Hello Atalantars!

We are keeping very busy around here! We start our updates with our incredible garden!!! We have been working hard to plant peas, broccoli, asparagus, potatoes, strawberries, and even more delicious veggies!! In addition, our 12 fruit trees and 9 berries bushes are all in the ground. Talk about yummy!

Next: Our goats are doing great! It’s amazing to see how fast the babies are growing!! They are getting so big, some of them you can barley pick up anymore! The mamas are producing a great amount of milk for us to drink and make cheese. They pass their days with sun bathing and playing- talk about a good life!

In addition, the chicks are growing so fast it’s hard to even call them chicks anymore! They got so big, we had to move them into a corner in the goat stall! They are quickly making friends with the mamas. It is so great to see how friendly they are- they can always put a smile on your face!

With summer coming fast, so is our camp! We have our first horse camp, Subud family camp, coming up in just 2 days! Both the people around the stables and the horses are very excited to start camp up! We have more programs going throughout the summer as well as people stopping by to help out.

Things are in full swing around here and it is shaping up to a fantastic summer! We will update soon ☺

That’s what she said!
