The Atalanta project is a non-profit enterprise which is building and creating a model permaculture and husbandry environment. It is a place of learning that fosters growth of children and adults in the healing, creative, and technological arts, which honors the human spirit, nature, and community.

To date Atalanta has been using permaculture-based land-use design to demonstrate sustainable living through cultural, economic, and environmental programs. The current structures on the land demonstrate alternative building methods and materials, renewable energy sources, and ecologically appropriate technology. Atalanta projects at this time include the Community Co-Op Orchard Garden, the High Valley Dairy Goat and Sheep Co-Op, and the Therapeutic Riding Program.

Support Atalanta today, your tax deductable donation is appreciated!


Springtime at Atalanta

Hello from the sunny and dry San Luis Valley! Spring is underway and in our remote location and we are feeling the effects of these strange times along with the rest of the world. There is still a little bit of snow on the mountains, the creeks are flowing and everyone is hoping for spring rain. We are having regular work days in the garden, keeping our physical distance from each other and wearing our masks. It is grounding to spend time working in the dirt and visiting the goats and chickens who are unaware of the changes the world has experienced the last few months. The garden beds are ready for planting, root crops are in the ground and we will be transplanting starts soon. The chickens are laying and the baby goats are due in the next few weeks.

Garden membership has stayed strong over the years but this year we are seeing an increase in new members in addition to the local food bank reaching out and asking if we will be able to increase our produce donations this year. The garden operates with a tight budget. The increase in membership will help support higher yielding crops this year but we are always accepting generous donations. Another creative way to support Atalanta is to purchase seeds through this link and a percentage of sales will go towards the garden.

The volunteers in the garden are incredible! Many of them are new to gardening in general and especially in our challenging high altitude climate. As we ramp up our efforts to support the community through this unusual time we are seeking additional funding. We have submitted an application to the State of Colorado through the Colorado COVID Relief fund. We are also investigating other grant possibilities brought to our attention from the people at Growing Spaces, a Colorado based dome greenhouse company that we are hoping to purchase a dome from to extend our growing season year round.

Atalanta sponsors the very popular annual kids summer riding program at the Baca Grande Stables. If local restrictions allow this program to go forward changes and accommodations may have to be made. Some considerations are class size and mask wearing.

Plans were underway and generous funding was granted from Susila Dharma USA and SYA for our second Human Force program to be held this July. In light of the evolving global situation and the uncertainty of travel and group activity restrictions we have decided to postpone this program to summer 2021. We will miss the energy and joy this brings to Atalanta but look forward to next summer. This summer our goal is to upgrade and finish the existing garden building this summer with local volunteers and contractors. The improvements include a final stucco coat paid for by our annual SeedMoney fundraiser held last December. New windows, doors and final finishing touches to the root cellar will also be completed, making the building more usable for hosting events.

With stay at home orders in most communities, our board members have been more available for regular virtual meetings. Staying connected, even through screens, has helped keep up enthusiasm and momentum. Everyone at Atalanta looks forward to blossoming trees, baby goats and chicks, an abundant harvest and a time when we can all be together again.